Over one-third of people have hypertension. All those people think they need to be on medications to get their blood pressure back to normal for some people, that is the only way to get their blood pressure into normal ranges. However, for others, there are natural remedies for lowering blood pressure.

High blood pressure is a severe health issue, but there is hope. For those who don't want to take prescription drugs or over-the-counter medications, natural remedies are available to help lower blood pressure. These remedies can include lifestyle changes, dietary modifications, and herbal supplements that can be used safely and effectively to reduce or maintain healthy blood pressure levels.

One of the best ways, if not the best, is exercise. Exercise is an excellent remedy for a vast number of ailments. For people that are overweight, have high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. You don’t have to hit the gym 7 days a week or work out so hard you almost pass out. All it takes is a brisk walk for 20 to 30 minutes daily. All you have to do is just get your heart pumping, and you are on your way.



Another remedy is cutting out fatty foods. Try to stop eating at fast food restaurants; those are the worst places to go if you are trying to get healthy. There have been documentaries about what fast food can do to your body and blood pressure. Cut out the salt altogether. There are other things out there to add flavour to your food. Stop eating fried food, fried chicken, fried pork chops, and fried fish; it’s all bad for you. If you still want to eat those kinds of food, you can. Just bake, broil or grill it.

One of the hardest things I had to do was cut back on my sodas. It’s true. Look on the back of the labels of the next drink you have. You would be amazed at the high sodium level that goes into each serving. I know the alternative to soda doesn’t sound too appealing; however, water is the best alternative for you. Water doesn’t do the damage soda does and is much cheaper. It will make a world of difference in how you feel.


Eat plenty of fruit, people, apples, grapes; you name it, it’s good for you. Try to eat grapes for a snack instead of overeating with candy and potato chips. They taste just as good and are much cheaper and better for you.

All these remedies may be tougher to do than I make it out to be. However, you have to take that first step. I wouldn’t recommend trying to cut everything out all at once, and I would take one step one week, then another in a couple of weeks, and so on.


It’s your life and people; you are the only one who can determine if you want to do this. If you decide to go with these natural hypertension remedies, your body will thank you for them, and so will the people who love you.