Planning your retirement


Planning your retirement will help you avoid any form of financial surprises. Are you aware that no matter how juicy and attractive your present salary is, when you go on retirement, it will be reduced to either 33% or 40% of its present value, depending on the country where you worked and retired from? Your monthly pension will be limited to 33% or 40% of your present salary.

Retirement is a phase in life that should be filled with relaxation, exploration, and enjoyment. However, financial constraints can often overshadow these golden years if not planned for adequately. It's crucial to recognize that relying solely on pension funds might not suffice to maintain your desired lifestyle post-retirement.

  1. Understand Your Pension Benefits: Begin by understanding the pension scheme offered by your employer or government. Educate yourself about the percentage of your current salary that your pension will provide upon retirement. Knowing this figure will give you a clear picture of the income gap you must bridge.
  2. Start Early: The earlier you start planning for retirement, the better. Time is a powerful asset when it comes to building wealth. Start setting aside funds for retirement as soon as possible to leverage the power of compounding and secure your financial future.
  3. Consider Additional Income Streams: As you rightly pointed out, relying solely on pension income may not sustain your desired lifestyle. Explore opportunities to generate additional income streams during your working years. Starting a side business that complements your regular job can be a lucrative way to bridge the income gap post-retirement.


  1. Invest Wisely: Diversify your investment portfolio to mitigate risk and maximize returns. Consider investing in retirement accounts, stocks, bonds, real estate, and other assets that align with your risk tolerance and financial goals. Consult a financial advisor to devise a personalized investment strategy tailored to your needs.
  2. Live Below Your Means: Cultivate a habit of living below your means and saving diligently. Prioritize essential expenses and avoid unnecessary splurges. Adopting a frugal lifestyle can build a robust financial cushion to support you during retirement.
  3. Stay Informed: Stay abreast of changes in pension policies, tax laws, and economic trends that may impact your retirement planning. Regularly review your financial plan and make necessary adjustments to ensure alignment with your retirement goals.


Retirement should be a time of fulfilment and freedom, not financial strain and uncertainty. You can enjoy a secure and prosperous future by proactively planning for your retirement and taking steps to bridge the income gap. Start planning today to safeguard your financial well-being tomorrow. Remember, prudent financial management and foresight are the keys to a successful retirement.