The weight loss industry is a billion dollar industry around the world. Women especially in their forties are now taking the lead in the weight loss market to improve on their wellbeing, health and beauty and to also change the narratives that have been around for decades. They want to take control of their own bodies and what they look like because they are tired of being told how they should be living life based on how society wants them to live it.

Weight loss for women is one of the most important issues in today's society. Women are constantly told that they need to be thin and should have an ideal body type or else they will never be successful in life. The media portrays this message through images of skinny models and actresses. This message has become so ingrained into society that it has been normalized, which leads to many women believing that this is the only way to achieve success in life.


There are lots of ways women can easily lose weight today. A good diet is one of them and is key to weight loss, but not everyone has time for cooking healthy food. If you want to know how you can start losing more weight today despite your busy lifestyle, just keep reading!

Weight loss for women in their forties can be difficult, so they tend to lean towards this idea that skipping breakfast will lead to weight loss. This idea is an old wife's tale. Consistent research has proven that this is not true. Not eating breakfast may even lead to overeating and unhealthy lifestyle. So ensure you eat your breakfast every morning.

Most people know that fruit and vegetables are great for health. But did you know that they can also help you lose weight faster?  Yes, vegetables don't make you fat. Studies have shown that eating more fruits and vegetables can help you to lose weight easily.

Don't skip regular meals

Eating at regular times during the day is one of the best ways to regulate your blood sugar levels and to lose weight. Having four or five small meals a day, instead of three larger ones, will help you burn calories at a faster rate and reduce the temptation to snack on foods high in fat and sugar.

Stay active

Staying active is one of the most important aspects of weight loss. Not only does being active help you burn calories and lose weight, it also has a ton of other health benefits such as reducing your risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes and depression.

Eat more high fibre foods

Lots of high fibre foods are the perfect diet staple to keep you feeling full. Foods like fruit & vegetables, oatmeal, whole wheat bread, brown rice and pasta, beans, peas and lentils all contain generous amounts of fibre.

Drink more water

If you feel hungry and want to avoid overeating, it's important to listen to your body. But sometimes thirst is mistaken for hunger. By the time most people realize they are actually thirsty, they have consumed extra calories in the form of sugar or fat. Your body will appreciate it if you drink more water.

Avoid junk food

It is important to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle, but sometimes that can be hard to stick with when it is difficult to resist temptation. It is a lot easier not to have sweets and other junk food in your house than it is to try not to indulge when they are there. You might also think about only buying healthier options of these items if you need them because junk food is one of the notorious weight loss blocker.

Finally, losing weight is a difficult process for everyone but it can be especially challenging for women. The easiest way to lose weight as a woman despite your busy lifestyle, is to find and to stick to a plan that works for you.  The practice listed above will definitely help you achieve your weight loss target faster no matter what plan you choose.